Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cute picture

I love this picture of Madeleine and Seb. They are sitting on his motorcycle! This photo is almost a year old now but they are still best buds! I am headed to Perth tomorrow so I will catch back up next week. Have a great weekend!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Madeleine's report card

A slight interruption in the time line to blog about Madeleine's report card. I've tried to scan it but it is too light.
Here are the highlights.
Madeleine is an independent learner and makes choices about what she wants to do and where she wants to play. She often spends time in the role play area, preparing food for her friends but what she most likes doing is playing at the manipulative table especially with the playdoh.

Madeleine participates with enthusiasm in the weekly P.E. session. She particularly enjoys the parachute. During our daily outdoor play Madeleine enjoys exploring most areas of the playground particularly the water tray and monkey rope which she likes to hang and swing from.

Madeleine responds appropriately to adults and is confident when sharing her stories, ideas or asking for help. She will often initiate the interactions with adults and is beginning to do the same with her peers. Madeleine happily takes turns and shares with her peers. At group times Madeleine sits and listens well, with encouragement she participates in group discussions and loves to join in with songs and rhymes.

I'm not the only one who thinks she is perfect!!

Christmas 2010

We went back to Texas for Christmas last year. It was wonderful. We also went to Las Vegas to celebrate Lee's Uncle Geno's birthday. Geno didn't know we were coming so it was a great surprise!! Mimi and Poppy were there too, it was the first time we had seen them since moving to Singapore.
Here is Madeleine making sure Daddy doesn't miss the water and light show at the Bellagio.
It was nice to experience some cold temperatures after seven months of constant 90 degree weather!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Where I left off

So, my last post of 2010 was of Halloween. This photo was taken a few days later and shows Madeleines love for her accessories. Purses and jewelry, she sure takes after her Dad ;)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Back in time

I am going to go back in time and try to catch up the past year so bear with me if the posts are out of sequence!!

New school uniform

This is Madeleine in the uniform of the school she started in September. Stamford American International School. She absolutely loves it and her teacher Ms. Nicola. Her best buddy Seb goes here as well.

Madeleine's favorite things

Since it has been a while since my last post I thought I would start with something easy. Madeleine has so many favorite things right now it is a blast!
1. Asking me "How was .........", as in how was your sleep Mommy, first thing in the morning. How was your dinner Mommy? Did you have fun with your friends? She is still asking me, How was San Antonio? She is genuinely curious and if you answer in the negative she will give you a cuddle and say, That's OK baby. It is really very cute, I love watching her become more aware of people and their feelings.
2. Doing art projects. She will ask me, Mommy do you want to do an art project today? That question has only one correct answer!!
3. All things princess. She loves crowns and jewelry and wands. She dresses up and puts on princess shoes. When we leave the house, sans dress up clothes and shoes but with jewelry, she will ask me if I am bringing my purse and then will say she needs hers too. And it cannot be empty, oh no, she puts all kinds of little things in it. Then away we go!
4. Pretending to be me. This ranges from me playing the baby and her being the Mommy and feeding me, rubbing my belly and going out for dinner and not letting me come to creating memories of her being my mommy when I was actually a baby. She will say things like, I remember when you were little and you were sick and I rubbed your belly and made you feel better. And I remember when your poopoo hurt you and I helped you and made it better.
5. Going to school. She loves her teacher and her classmates. It's been fun to watch her really embrace school and be happy for me to leave in the morning and want to stay in the afternoon.