Friday, June 4, 2010


If you live in our complex you better like kids. Probably more than 50% of the families here have kids under the age of 13. One of their favorite activities is riding scooters like Razors. They go in gangs and you will hear them coming from far away. Soon you will see a sting of 4-8 kids following each other weaving between the landscaping. It's actually kind of fun to watch.

Madeleine liked it so much that we bought her one. Theresa had a hard time convincing me but she finally won - and was right - Madeleine loves it. She's pretty good at going straight but hasn't quite picked up the steering concept.

Regular Schedule

We are finally getting into a regular schedule. Madeleine now goes to Gymboree on Tuesday mornings for an hour long art class. She then goes to Little Gym on Thursday afternoon for an our of the Beasties gym class. It's even the same program she was attending at home.
It's been a learning experience watching how other parents from other countries interact with their kids - or don't. Most places we go are populated with other foreign families, not too many Singaporean families hang out places we go. The first class they went to Theresa was the only parent and all the other kids were with the Indonesian or Phillipino nannies. The next class was full of parents but all foreigners from different European countries. There was even an episode between a couple parents (together) and their kid where the teacher basicly asked them to leave.
Groceries shopping with Madeleine has always been a challenge as she hates sitting in a shopping cart. We found a solution . The grocery store is in the same building as Gymboree and on Sunday evening they have free play. So, while Momma goes shopping, Maddy and Daddy go the Gymboree for an hour. As a result, she sleeps like a rock and Momma gets the shopping done in half the time.

Slow Boat to China

We can't seem to get good information on when to expect our container. Looks like it may be 1st week of July before we have everything. It's getting old living on our scant selection of rental furniture including the rock hard bed. The whole place echos since the floors are marble and walls concrete. We have found a couple nice places for new furniture but we are waiting for everything else to arrive so we can figure where everything should go.

The worst thing about it is Madeleine's room. The poor girl is sleeping on a twin mattress that is on the floor and the only thing else she has is a night table and lamp. She doesn't mind going to sleep but she wakes up way too early and won't stay in her room. Hopefully once she gets her things she will be more comfortable and won't mind staying in her room in the morning like she did at home.

Thanks God for Ikea. There are two in Singapore and it's become a great source for dishes, rugs, plants, and other things we normally wouldn't buy from Ikea in Houston. Headed there today for storage shelves so we are ready to unload boxes when they arrive.